Stakeholders’ Curriculum Review Workshop: Master of Sustainable Management and Operations (SuMO)

The Africa Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Operations for Resource Management and Food Supply convened a one day stakeholders’ workshop on 24th of February 2022 to review the Master of Sustainable Management and Operations (SuMO) curriculum. The workshop brought together stakeholders drawn from government ministries, non-governmental organizations, development agencies, private sector, research organizations and academia. The feedback provided was instrumental in shaping the content, delivery and assessment of the program by ensuring its relevance to industry needs.

The program will be housed at the Department of Agricultural Economics and will benefit from bilateral collaboration with Faculty of Business through the Department of Management Science and Project Planning as well as a tripartite partnership with University of Dar Es Salaam through School of Business, Kühne Logistics University and Kühne Foundation. This will enrich the program drawing from expertise and experience of collaborating and partnering organizations.

Additionally, stakeholders had the opportunity to review and provide valuable feedback for three other programs; Master of Agricultural Extension, Master of Agricultural Education and PhD in Agricultural Extension, envisaged to be offered at the Department of Agricultural economics.

https://photos from Desmond Tutu Conference Center on 24th February 2022