By dnduati
on Mon, 04/03/2023 - 11:35

From the left Dr. Samuel Omondi, Geraldine, David Ayieko (Mentee of Dr. Omondi), Dr. David Jakinda (back), Alexandar Mbogo, Isaac Maitha, Dr. Walter Akuno & Ms. Magdaline Mutumietc

From the right hand side Ms. Magdaline Mutumi, Dr. Walter Akuno (JOOUST) & Alexandar Mbogo (Mentee of Dr. Ngala)

Ms. Magdaline Mutumi (Mentee of Dr. Omondi) Presenting her PhD Policy Brief

From the left Prof. Willis Kosura and Prof. Rose Nyikal during Ms. Magdaline's Presentation

From the left Prof. Rose Nyikal and Hannah Mugure (Mentee of Dr. Andago) on the right hand side

Dr. David Jakinda explaining a point during the workshop

Geraldine (University of Egerton) and Dr. Sophie Ngala (Food Science & Nutrition Dept. UoN)

Dr. Sophie Ngala, Carolyne Kisaka (University of Egerton) and Eric Omondi