Sep. 2008 – July 2011: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Agricultural Economics University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom (UK).
Thesis title: Economic analysis of beef cattle farmers’ technical efficiency and willingness to comply with disease free zones in Kenya.
Oct. 2002 – Oct. 2005: Master of Science (MSc.) in Agricultural Economics University of Nairobi, Kenya. Thesis title: Contingent valuation of livelihood functions and socio-cultural values of cattle in smallholder farms: a case study of Kakamega and Siaya districts, Kenya.
Oct. 1996 – Nov. 2001: Bachelor of Science (BSc.) in Agricultural Economics
(First class honors), Egerton University, Kenya.
Jan. 1991 – Nov. 1994: Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E), St. Pauls Amukura High School in Busia County. Scored a mean grade of B (plain) with 73 points out of 96 points.
Jan. 1983 – October 1990: Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (K.C.P.E). Nambale R.C. Primary School in Busia County. Scored a mean grade of B (plain) 64 points out of 84 points.
Prof. David Jakinda Otieno is an Agricultural Economist and Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Nairobi. David also coordinates the Agribusiness Management Programme in the Department. His research interests include: Consumer Preference Analysis, Agricultural Marketing/Commercialization, Economics of Climate Change, Livelihood Diversification, Value Chain Analysis, Agribusiness Development, Participatory Research Methods and Policy Analysis.
David has taught Econometrics, Mathematics for Economists, Production Economics and Quantitative Analysis of Agricultural Policy at Postgraduate level for 8 years. He has also taught various undergraduate courses for 14 years: Agribusiness & International Trade; Agricultural Market Strategies & Plans; Research Projects; and Managerial Economics. David also serves as a reviewer of research proposals and papers for the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), various international conferences and journals. He has supervised 20 Msc. students to completion in the last 8 years and is currently supervising 4 PhD students and 15 Msc. students. David has published 21 articles in peer-reviewed journals, 1 book, 4 book chapters, 2 book reviews, 3 discussion papers and 3 policy briefs.