Latest News & Announcements

Visit by the President Kühne Logistics University, Prof. Strothotte

The University of Nairobi through the African Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Operations in Resource Management and Food Supply hosted the President, Kühne Logistics University (KLU), Prof. Thomas Strothotte who was accompanied by the Director Logistics Education, Dr. Kreie and the Regional Education Coordinator, Dr. Shawa of Kühne Foundation.

Productivity and Efficiency Analysis in Agriculture Course Award Ceremony

The University of Western Australia (UWA), School of Agriculture & Environment in collaboration with The University of Nairobi (UoN), Department of Agricultural Economics with support from The Australia Africa University Networks and Africa Research Engagement Centre, organized Master Class in Productivity and Efficiency Analysis in Agriculture. The course was offered between 2nd August and 27th August, 2021 through online weekly sessions. It was facilitated by Amin W. Mugera, Associate Professor UWA School of Agriculture and Environment (SAgE) and hosted by Prof.

Deadline Extended: Call for application on academic exchange program to Ghana by University of Nairobi, Africa Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Operations for Resource Management and Food Supply

The University of Nairobi in collaboration with University of Dar El Salaam (UDSM), Kuehne Logistics University (KLU) and Kuehne Foundation (KF) are organizing a seven day academic exchange to Ghana in October, 2021. The purpose of the academic exchange is to enhance learning and knowledge sharing in sustainable management and operations. Participants will engage in intellectually motivating discussions and learn from professors and experts on academic process, research needs and work life in sustainable management and operations careers.


Prof. John Mburu